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August 2024
  • Added Steam Account integration, you can now require your users to link their steam account to open tickets
  • Transcript attachments are now encrypted, this means our data providers and Ticketeer will not be liable for any potential nsfw content in your transcripts and we can allow nsfw servers
  • Ticket Permissions now have a strict mode, by default, anyone with the "Manage Server" permission has administrator access to all ticket groups. With strict mode enabled, ticket permissions will only be applied to the user's roles.
  • There is now a global ticket counter for the server, this counter can be changed in the server settings. You can toggle this on for a ticket group in the "Opening Ticket Settings" section
  • Added a new button action "Close Ticket without Reason". This will close the ticket without confirmation or a reason
  • Added ticket logs to the dashboard (in the logs section), this will show you all the actions that have been taken on all tickets
  • Added two new export options for ticket groups, one for forms (feedback forms and opening forms) and one for completed ticket, these cans be accessed from the 3 dot menu in the ticket group page
  • Added new commands /bulk close and /bulk delete, these are experiential and will likely fail if it tries to close a lot of tickets at once
  • Added a new button action "Change Priority", this will allow you to change the priority of a ticket through a button/dropdown interaction
  • Added new "Form Results" message, this message is sent right after the welcome message if a form is submitted. (Disabled by default)
  • Added view mode ticket group editor, the "List View" mode will display all the settings for the ticket group on one page where you can toggle each section on/off.
  • A ton of bug fixes and general/ui improvements, please report any bugs you find!
July 2024

Ticketeer beta release!

  • Released premium subscriptions and keys
  • Added /app vote command, this allows you to vote for the bot on and receive premium keys for voting. (this is a work in progress and subject to change)
  • Redesigned welcome and info messages
  • Added the ability to make transcripts public or private
  • Added the ability turn off attachments in transcripts
  • Added more "On Member Missing" options
    • Close ticket
    • Delete ticket
    • Send Notice - A new message has been added for this called "Ticket Missing Member"
  • Added new Ticket expire options
    • Delete on Expiration - Deletes ticket after expiration instead of closing it
    • Prevent Expiration on Initial Activity - Prevents the ticket from expiring automatically after the user that opens the ticket and first interacts with it
    • Prevent Expiration on User Activity - Prevents the ticket from all expiring automatically after any user interacts with it
  • Bug fixes and general improvements, please report any bugs you find!
June 2024
  • Added "Tickets" section in the dashboard, this is a list of all your tickets and their status! You can now see your tickets w/o logging into discord!
  • Added a small graph to the dashboard, this shows the number of open tickets and closed tickets in the last 7 days
  • Changed the style of lists on the dashboard, it is now a little more modern and easier to use
  • Bug fixes and general improvements, please report any bugs you find!
May 2024

Ticketeer alpha release!

  • Added /name set and /name clear commands, lets you set and clear the name of the ticket, this includes new messages, logs and permissions
  • Added /notes create command, creates a private thread for the ticket, this includes new messages, logs and permissions
  • Added /notes add and /notes remove commands, adds or removes users from the notes
  • Added "Lock Thread" toggle for thread tickets, this will lock the thread when the ticket is closed (and unlock when reopened)
  • Added "Remove Members on Close" toggle for thread tickets, this will remove members from the thread when the ticket is closed (and add them back when reopened)
  • Bot status will now cycle through, servers, tickets opened/closed and users
  • Bug fixes and general improvements, please report any bugs you find!