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Ticketeer Messages

This is a complete list of all the messages that can be used in Ticketeer along with their options, variables and default values.

Ticket Menu (Opened) Message


This is the ticket menu shown to the user when the ticket status is open.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 180,
  "flags": 64,
  "embeds": [
      "description": "```{$} controls```",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Close Ticket",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "close",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_close:1236057518313050163>"
      "label": "Lock Ticket",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "lock",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_lock:1236054510691025007>"

Ticket Menu (Locked) Message


This is the ticket menu shown to the user when the ticket status is locked.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 180,
  "flags": 64,
  "embeds": [
      "description": "```{$} controls```",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Unlock Ticket",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "unlock",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_unlock:1236054509298389004>"
      "label": "Close Ticket",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "close",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_close:1236057518313050163>"

Ticket Menu (Assigned) Message


This is the ticket menu shown to the user when the ticket status is assigned.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 180,
  "flags": 64,
  "embeds": [
      "description": "```{$} controls```",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Unassign Ticket",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "unassign",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_unassign:1236060175664812092>"
      "label": "Close Ticket",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "close",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_close:1236057518313050163>"

Ticket Menu (Closed) Message


This is the ticket menu shown to the user when the ticket status is closed.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 180,
  "flags": 64,
  "embeds": [
      "description": "```{$} controls```",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Get Transcript",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "transcript-send",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_transcript:1236041551646556213>"
      "label": "Reopen",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "open",
      "emoji": "<:ticket:1236030923389145108>"
      "label": "Reopen with Message",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "open-message",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_message:1236055451314032670>"
      "label": "Delete",
      "style": 4,
      "action": "delete",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_trash:1236091353335857272>"

Ticket Menu (Deleted) Message


This is the ticket menu shown to the user when the ticket status is deleted.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 180,
  "flags": 64,
  "embeds": [
      "description": "```{$} controls```",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Open New Ticket",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "new-ticket",
      "emoji": "<:ticket:1236030923389145108>"
      "label": "Get Transcript",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "transcript-send",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_transcript:1236041551646556213>"

Opening Messages

Ticket Created Message


This message is a reply to the user when a ticket is created.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 60,
  "flags": 64,
  "content": "*👏 Ticket {$} created!*",
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Go to {$}",
      "style": 5,
      "action": "none",
      "url": "{$}",
      "emoji": "<:ticket:1236030923389145108>"

Ticket Created Direct Message


This message is sent to The owner/creator of the ticket in a direct message when a ticket is created.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
from?User | nullThe user that created the ticket for owner
Expand to see default json template
  "disabled": true,
  "content": "{if $from}{$from} opened {$} for you{else}You opened {$}{/if} in {$}, click the button below to continue!",
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Go to {$}",
      "style": 5,
      "action": "none",
      "url": "{$}",
      "emoji": "<:ticket:1236030923389145108>"

Ticket Public Message


This message is sent in the channel the ticket will be created in, this message will be used as the start of a public thread.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
userUserThe user that triggered this action
from?User | nullThe user that created the ticket for owner
formarrayThe answers of the form filled out before the ticket was created
form.*.titlestringTitle for the form field
form.*.valuestringValue for the form field
Expand to see default json template
  "content": "{$owner} requested help for {$}!",
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Our team is ready to assist you and will respond shortly.",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Welcome Message


This message is sent as the first message in the ticket's channel when it is created.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
from?User | nullThe user that created the ticket for owner
Expand to see default json template
  "content": "Welcome {$ticket.owner}!",
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Our team is ready to assist you and will respond shortly. If and when your issue is resolved, you can close this ticket using the button below.",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Open Ticket Menu",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "ticket-menu",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_menu:1236049223276036136>"

Ticket Created from Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel (after the welcome message) when a ticket is created from a message.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
fromUserThe user that created the ticket for owner
messageMessageThe original message the ticket was created from
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Original Message",
      "description": "{$} said in {$}:\n{$message.content|codeblock}",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Channel",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Original Message",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Opened By",
          "value": "{$from}"
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Created with Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel (after the welcome message) when a ticket is created with a message from another user.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
fromUserThe user that created the ticket for owner
message?string | nullA message from the user that created the ticket for owner
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Message from {$from|else:staff}\n{$message|codeblock}",
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Form Results Message


This message is sent right after the welcome message if a form is submitted.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
Expand to see default json template
  "disabled": true,
  "embeds": [
      "fields": [
          "name": "{$ticket.form.0.title|else:Title 1}",
          "value": "{$ticket.form.0.value|length:1024|else:No Response}"
          "name": "{$ticket.form.1.title|else:Title 2}",
          "value": "{$ticket.form.1.value|length:1024|else:No Response}"
          "name": "{$ticket.form.2.title|else:Title 3}",
          "value": "{$ticket.form.2.value|length:1024|else:No Response}"
          "name": "{$ticket.form.3.title|else:Title 4}",
          "value": "{$ticket.form.3.value|length:1024|else:No Response}"
          "name": "{$ticket.form.4.title|else:Title 5}",
          "value": "{$ticket.form.4.value|length:1024|else:No Response}"
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Opened Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a ticket is opened.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
message?string | nullA message from the user that created the ticket for owner
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Ticket Opened by {$user}.{if $message}\nWith the following message:\n{$message|codeblock}{/if}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Closing Messages

Ticket Closed Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a ticket is closed.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Ticket closed by {$user}.",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Reason",
          "value": "{$ticket.closed_reason|else:No reason provided.|codeblock}"
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Close Confirm Message


This message is sent to the user to confirm they want to close a ticket.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 120,
  "flags": 64,
  "content": "Are you sure you would like to close this ticket?",
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Close Ticket",
      "style": 4,
      "action": "primary"
      "label": "Cancel",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "cancel"

Ticket Closed Direct Message


This message is sent to all members of the ticket in a direct message when a it is closed.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "disabled": true,
  "content": "Your ticket {$} in {$} was closed by {$user}.",
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Rate your experience",
      "style": 1,
      "action": "rate",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_rate:1236409758156849274>"
      "label": "Leave Feedback",
      "style": 1,
      "action": "feedback",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_feedback:1236409759129927731>"
      "label": "Reopen",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "open",
      "emoji": "<:ticket:1236030923389145108>"
      "label": "Reopen with Message",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "open-message",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_message:1236055451314032670>"
      "label": "Get Transcript",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "transcript-send",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_transcript:1236041551646556213>"

Ticket Deleting Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a ticket is about to be deleted.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "This ticket is queued to be deleted {$timestamp|time:r}...",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Member Missing Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when the owner/creator of the ticket leaves the server.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assignedUserThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$} has left the server.",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Locking Messages

Ticket Locked Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a ticket is locked.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Ticket locked by {$user}.",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Unlock",
      "style": 2,
      "action": "unlock",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_unlock:1236054509298389004>"

Ticket Unlocked Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a ticket is unlocked.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Ticket unlocked by {$user}.",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Assigning Messages

Ticket Assigned Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a ticket is assigned.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assignedUserThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Ticket assigned to {$ticket.assigned}.",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Unassigned Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a ticket is unassigned.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
unassignedUserThe unassigned user of the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Ticket was unassigned by {$user}.",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

User Messages

Ticket User Added Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a user is added to the ticket.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
addedUserThe user added to the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} added {$added}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket User Added Direct Message


This message is sent to the user added to the ticket in a direct message.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
addedUserThe user added to the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "disabled": true,
  "content": "{$user} added you to ticket {$} in {$}, click the button below to continue!",
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Go to {$}",
      "style": 5,
      "action": "none",
      "url": "{$}",
      "emoji": "<:ticket:1236030923389145108>"

Ticket User Removed Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a user is removed from the ticket.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
removedUserThe user removed from the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} removed {$removed}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket User Removed Direct Message


This message is sent to the user removed from the ticket in a direct message.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
removedUserThe user removed from the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "disabled": true,
  "content": "{$user} removed you from ticket {$} in {$}",
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Rate your experience",
      "style": 1,
      "action": "rate",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_rate:1236409758156849274>"
      "label": "Leave Feedback",
      "style": 1,
      "action": "feedback",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_feedback:1236409759129927731>"

Ticket Owner Change Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when The owner/creator of the ticket has changed.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
removedUserThe old owner of the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} changed the ticket owner to {$ticket.owner}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Owner Change Direct Message


This message is sent to the new and old owner of the ticket in a direct message when The owner/creator of the ticket has changed.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
removedUserThe old owner of the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "disabled": true,
  "content": "{$user} changed the owner of ticket {$} in {$} to {$ticket.owner}!",
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Go to {$}",
      "style": 5,
      "action": "none",
      "url": "{$}",
      "emoji": "<:ticket:1236030923389145108>"

Thread Messages

Ticket Notes Thread Message


This is the first message that is sent in the notes private thread when a ticket is created.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
usersUser[]An array of users with the "Include In Thread" permission
rolesRole[]An array of roles with the "Include In Thread" permission
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$} notes thread",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Notes Thread Created Message


Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 60,
  "flags": 64,
  "content": "Notes {$ticket.notes} created!",
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Go to notes",
      "style": 5,
      "action": "none",
      "url": "{$}",
      "emoji": "<:ticket_transcript:1236041551646556213>"

Ticket Notes User Added Message


This message is sent to the ticket notes thread when a user is added to the notes.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
addedUserThe user added to the notes
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} added {$added} to notes",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Notes User Removed Message


This message is sent to the notes thread when a user is removed from the notes.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
removedUserThe user removed from the notes
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} removed {$removed} from notes",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Priority Messages

Ticket Priority Change Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when the priority of the ticket has changed.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} changed the ticket priority to \"{$ticket.priority.label}\"",
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Priority Menu Message


This message is the menu shown to the user when they are changing the priority of a ticket.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 60,
  "flags": 64,
  "content": "Select a priority to change the ticket to."

Expiration Messages

Ticket Expired Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a ticket has expired.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
expire.reason?string | nullA message of the reason the ticket was expired
expire.typestringThe type of expiration
expire.timestampnumberA timestamp of when the ticket expired
expire.activitybooleanIf ticket expired due to inactivity
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "This ticket has expired{if $expire.activity} due to inactivity{/if} and will automatically close.",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Expiring Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel when a ticket is going to automatically expire.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
expire.timestringTime until ticket expires
expire.timestampnumberA timestamp of when the ticket expired
expire.activitybooleanIf ticket expired due to inactivity
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Ticket will automatically close {$expire.timestamp|time:r}{if $expire.activity} if it remains inactive.{/if}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Expire Message


This message is sent when the /expire command is ran.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
expire.timestringTime until ticket expires
expire.timestampnumberA timestamp of when the ticket expired
expire.activitybooleanIf ticket expired due to inactivity
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Ticket will automatically expire {$expire.timestamp|time:r}{if $expire.activity} if it remains inactive.{/if}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Expire Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when the expire is set to expire.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} made {$} ({$}) expire at {$expire.timestamp|time:r}{if $expire.activity} if it remains inactive.{/if}",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Eternal Message


This message is sent when the /eternal command is ran.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eternalbooleantrue if the ticket is eternal (immune from expiring)
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{if $eternal}This ticket will never expire.{else}This ticket is no longer immune to expiring.{/if}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Schedule Messages

Ticket Schedule Error Message


This message is sent to the user when they attempt to open a ticket while out of the ticket's scheduled time.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 60,
  "flags": 64,
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Sorry our support team is currently `offline` and will be not be available until {$group.schedule_timestamp|time:r}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Schedule Notice Message


This message is sent to the ticket channel (after the welcome message) when a ticket is opened outside of the scheduled time.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "**Please Note**: Our support team is currently `offline` and will be not be available until {$|time:r}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Feedback Messages

Ticket Feedback Message


This message is sent to the user when they give feedback on a ticket.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 60,
  "flags": 64,
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Thank you for your feedback!",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Transcript Messages

Ticket Transcript Message


This message is sent to the transcript channel when a transcript is created.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket #{$ticket.number} ({$}) transcript",
      "image": "{$ticket.owner.avatar}",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket Owner",
          "value": "{$ticket.owner}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group Name",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Transcript Direct Message


This message is sent in a direct message to a user that has requested a transcript.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Here is your transcript for {$} in {$}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Transcript Saving Message


This message is sent to the user that has requested a transcript.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 30,
  "flags": 64,
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Saving Transcript",
      "description": "Transcript is being processed{if $} and will be saved in {$} when it is ready.{elseif $transcript.user} and will be sent to {$transcript.user} when it is ready{else} and will be available shortly{/if}.",
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Rating Messages

Ticket Rating Message


This message is sent to the user when they give a rating on a ticket.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?Yes
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
rating.numbernumberThe rating number in the list of ratings
rating.labelstringThe rating label configured in the ticket group
rating.description?string | nullThe rating description configured in the ticket group
rating.emoji?string | nullThe rating emoji configured in the ticket group
rating.colorstringThe rating color configured in the ticket group
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 60,
  "flags": 64,
  "embeds": [
      "description": "Thank you for your feedback!{if $rating.number < 3} We will work hard to improve your experience!{/if}",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Rating Menu Message


This message is the menu shown to the user when they are rating a ticket.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?Yes
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
Expand to see default json template
  "delete_after": 60,
  "flags": 64,
  "content": "Please rate your experience!"

Logs Messages

Ticket Created Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket is created.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
from?User | nullThe user that created the ticket for owner
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} created {$} ({$}) {if $from}from {$from}{/if}",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Opened Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket is opened.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} opened {$} ({$})",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Closed Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket is closed.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} closed {$} ({$})",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Locked Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket is locked.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} locked {$} ({$})",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Unlocked Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket is unlocked.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} unlocked {$} ({$})",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Assigned Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket is assigned.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assignedUserThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} assigned {$} ({$}) to {$assigned}",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Unassigned Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket is unassigned.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
unassignedUserThe unassigned user of the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} unassigned {$assigned} from {$} ({$})",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Deleting Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket has been deleted.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} deleted {$}",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Transcript Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a transcript is created.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} created a transcript for {$} ({$})",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket User Added Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a user is added to a ticket.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
addedUserThe user added to the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} added {$added} to ticket {$} ({$})",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket User Removed Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a user is removed from a ticket.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
removedUserThe user removed from the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} removed {$removed} from ticket {$} ({$})",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Owner Change Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when The owner/creator of the ticket has changed.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
removedUserThe old owner of the ticket
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} changed the owner of ticket {$} ({$}) to {$ticket.owner}",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Priority Change Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when the priority of a ticket has changed.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} changed the priority of ticket {$} ({$}) to {$ticket.priority}",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Name Set Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket name is set.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} set the name for {$} ({$})!",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Name Cleared Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a tickets name is cleared.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} cleared the name for {$} ({$})!",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Expired Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket has expired.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
expire.reason?string | nullA message of the reason the ticket was expired
expire.typestringThe type of expiration
expire.timestampnumberA timestamp of when the ticket expired
expire.activitybooleanIf ticket expired due to inactivity
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$} ({$}) expired!",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Eternal Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when the ticket eternal status changes.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
eternalbooleantrue if the ticket is eternal (immune from expiring)
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Ticket Log",
      "description": "{$user} made {$} ({$}) {if $eternal}eternal{else}no longer immune to expiring{/if}!",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Feedback Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket is given feedback.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
formarrayThe answers of the feedback given in array form
form.*.titlestringTitle for the form field
form.*.valuestringValue for the form field
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} gave ticket # {$ticket.number} from ticket group \"{$}\" some feedback!",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Rating Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket is given a rating.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
rating.numbernumberThe rating number in the list of ratings
rating.labelstringThe rating label configured in the ticket group
rating.description?string | nullThe rating description configured in the ticket group
rating.emoji?string | nullThe rating emoji configured in the ticket group
rating.colorstringThe rating color configured in the ticket group
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} gave {$} a \"{if $rating.emoji}{$rating.emoji} {/if}{$rating.label}\" rating!",
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Notes Created Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a ticket notes are created.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} created notes for {$} ({$})!",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Notes Member Added Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a member is added to a ticket notes.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
addedUserThe user added to the notes
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} added {$added} to notes for {$} ({$})!",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Ticket Notes Member Removed Log Message


This message is sent in the log channels when a member is removed from a ticket notes.

Expand to see options and variables
Template OptionValue
Can be disabled?No
Can be automatically deleted?No
Variable NameTypeDescription
serverServerThe server that the ticket was created in
ticketTicketThe ticket
groupGroupThe ticket group of the ticket
ownerUserThe owner/creator of the ticket
assigned?User | nullThe assigned user of the ticket
channelChannelThe channel the ticket was created in
userUserThe user that triggered this action
eventstringTicket log event
messagestringTicket log event message
removedUserThe user removed from the notes
Expand to see default json template
  "embeds": [
      "description": "{$user} removed {$removed} from notes for {$} ({$})!",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Ticket",
          "value": "{$} ({$})"
          "name": "Author",
          "value": "{$user}",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Group",
          "value": "{$}",
          "inline": true
      "timestamp": true,
      "color": "#14b8a6",
      "footer": {
        "text": "Ticketeer Canary - Support Made Simple",
        "icon_url": ""

Object Types

Server Object

Variable NameTypeDescription
serverstringServer name
server.idstringServer ID
server.namestringServer name
server.iconstringServer icon
server.descriptionstringServer description
server.ticketsnumberCount of opended tickets for your server of opended tickets for your server of closed tickets for your server of deleted tickets for your server

Group Object

Variable NameTypeDescription
groupstringGroup name
group.idstringGroup ID
group.namestringGroup name
group.countnumberGroup count
group.schedule_timestamp?number|nullGroup next open schedule slot timestamp

Ticket Object

Variable NameTypeDescription
ticketstringTicket channel name or Ticket ID
ticket.idstringTicket ID|nullTicket channel name
ticket.numbernumberTicket number
ticket.linkstringLink to the first message of the ticket
ticket.prioritynumberTicket priority level
ticket.priority.label?string|nullTicket priority label
ticket.priority.description?string|nullTicket priority description
ticket.priority.emoji?string|nullTicket priority emoji
ticket.priority.color?string|nullTicket priority color
ticket.form?Array[]|nullThe filled out form from opening a ticket
ticket.form.[0-4?].titlestring|nullTitle of the form field
ticket.form.[0-4?].valuestring|nullValue of the form field
ticket.closed_reason?string|nullReason for closing the ticket
ticket.ownerUserOwner of ticket
ticket.assigned?User|nullAssigned user to ticket
ticket.groupGroupTicket Group|nullTicket channel
ticket.thread?Channel|nullTicket private thread
ticket.usersUser[]Array of all users in the ticket
ticket.ratingnumberThe agrage rating the ticket has recieved
ticket.ratingsArray[]Array of ratings given to the ticket
ticket.ratings.[0-24?]numberThe rating in number form given to the ticket
ticket.ratings.[0-24?].ratingnumberThe rating in number form given to the ticket
ticket.ratings.[0-24?].label?string|nullThe rating level label
ticket.ratings.[0-24?].description?string|nullThe rating level description
ticket.ratings.[0-24?].emoji?string|nullThe rating level emoji
ticket.ratings.[0-24?].color?string|nullThe rating level color
ticket.ratings.[0-24?].userUserThe user that gave the rating
ticket.feedbackArray[]Array of feedback given to the ticket[0-24?].formArray[]The filled out feedback from[0-24?].form.[0-4?].titlestring|nullTitle of the form field[0-24?].form.[0-4?].valuestring|nullValue of the form field[0-24?].userUser[]The user that gave the feedback

Channel Object

Variable NameTypeDescription
channelstringChannel @
channel.idstringChannel ID
channel.typenumberChannel type
channel.namestringChannel name
channel.topicstringChannel topic
channel.nsfwbooleanTrue if channel nsfw
channel.lockedbooleanTrue if channel is locked
channel.invitablebooleanTrue if channel invitable
channel.users?User[]|nullArray of all users in the channel

User Object

Variable NameTypeDescription
userstringUser @
user.idstringUser ID
user.namestringUser username
user.nicknamestringUser nickname or username
user.avatarstringUser avatar
user.iconstringUser icon
user.tagstringUser #tag (deprecated)
user.fullstringUser username#tag (deprecated)
user.rolesRole[]List of roles the user has in order of hierarchy
user.joined_at?number|nullTimestamp when user joined server
user.steam?Steam User|nullSteam account info of user if linked

Steam User Object

Variable NameTypeDescription
steamstringSteamID (STEAM_0:1:########)
steam.idstringSteamID (STEAM_0:1:########)
steam.id_3stringSteamID v3 ([U:1:########])
steam.id_64numberSteamID 64 (7656119##########)
steam.account_idnumberSteam account id
steam.namestringSteam account name
steam.avatarstringURL to Steam account avatar
steam.profilestringURL to Steam account profile

Role Object

Variable NameTypeDescription
rolestringRole @
role.idstringRole ID
role.namestringRole name
role.colorstringRole color
role.positionnumberRole position
role.iconstringRole icon
role.unicode_emojistringRole unicode_emoji
role.adminbooleanTrue if role is admin
role.bot_idstringRole bot ID
role.created_atnumberTimestamp when role was created

Message Object

Variable NameTypeDescription
message.contentstringMessage content
message.linkstringLink to message
message.timestampnumberTimestamp of when message was created
message.authorUserAuthor of message
message.channelChannelChannel message was created in